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Ryan Corrigan


My name is Ryan Corrigan

I'm a web developer building essential web apps and websites that power the internet

About Just an average guy who overcame his fear of computers by jumping straight into the tech industry

My Story

Initially I had planned to become an engineer. I've always had a penchant for math, chemistry, and physics because I love problem solving. Then I tried computer programming and I decided to enter into the tech field instead. I haven't looked back. I began learning to code in 2020 during the pandemic and immediately I was enthralled. To be honest, I was always a little afraid of technology due to my lack of knowledge and experience with computers. But I felt led by God to challenge myself and take serious the study of computer science, the internet and full-stack web development. The skills I've developed since 2020 are far beyond any expectations I ever had for myself. I can now build websites and full-stack web applications (that includes the user-interface, server and database). I'm excited to continue creating and to never stop learning!

My Skills

  • html
  • css
  • javascript
  • sass
  • bootstrap
  • react
  • node
  • git
  • PostgreSQL
  • vscode

Projects Here you'll find some of the projects I've created

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Mathematical Expression Parser and Calculator

This calculator app parses mathematical expressions involving parentheses, multiplication, division, addition, and subtraction operators, then returns the calculated value. I used code I wrote for a Codewars challenge to build this fully functional calculator application.

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Smart-Brain Face Recognition Application

My Smart-Brain App uses an artificial intelligence API to detect faces in any image you choose. Just enter an image URL into the input field and submit. The AI will identify where the face is located and a square perimeter will appear around the face.

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Square Dance Animation

A fun animation I made for Zero to Mastery's Animation-Nation open source project. The animation was made with pure CSS.

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Lazy Dog Website

This is a static site I created for a fictional restaurant named Lazy Dog (if you like the name you're free to use it!). My Lazy Dog website was the first website I ever built (back in 2021).


Contact Feel free to contact me to request my resume by submitting the form below and I will get back to you as soon as possible